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Description: 这是一个mimo信道建模的程序平台,对于研究信道建模有帮助-This is a mimo channels modeling procedures platform for studying Channel Modeling help
Platform: | Size: 10240 | Author: 蒋新聪 | Hits:


Description: 空间无线信道建模程序matlab,考虑了多径延迟,多普勒效应,信号的角度扩展(拉普拉斯分布),MIMO,可以产生MIMO信道矩阵。-Spatial channel modeling procedures matlab, taking into account multi-path delay, Doppler effect, the signal point of view the expansion of (Laplace distribution), MIMO, can generate MIMO channel matrix.
Platform: | Size: 457728 | Author: 李明 | Hits:


Description: 一种经典MIMO信道模型的仿真程序,对于学习空时信道建模很有用-A classical MIMO channel model of simulation program for studying space-time channel modeling is useful
Platform: | Size: 61440 | Author: 高飞 | Hits:


Description: MIMO空时信道模型建模源程序的matlab程序-MIMO space-time channel model in matlab source modeling procedures
Platform: | Size: 60416 | Author: qiankun | Hits:


Description: 无线信道中MIMO信道建模仿真,3gpp中MIMO信道的仿真程序,matlab仿真-Channel MIMO wireless channel modeling and simulation, 3gpp in MIMO channel emulation program, matlab simulation
Platform: | Size: 206848 | Author: yanyanyufei | Hits:


Description: 信道建模的大牛Laurent Schumacher的MIMO信道MATLAB仿真程序的使用方法说明文件(PDF格式),完整的图像显示和分析,对MIMO研究工作很有帮助。-Channel modeling Laurent Schumacher Daniudi the MIMO channel simulation program MATLAB to use the documentation (PDF format), complete image display and analysis, research on the MIMO work.
Platform: | Size: 290816 | Author: 孔政敏 | Hits:

[Fax programMIMO-OFDM

Description: 本程序是MIMO-OFDM 系统的信道估计程序,包括导频设计,信道建模呵常见的信道估计方法,对初学者有用-This procedure is a MIMO-OFDM system channel estimation procedures, including the pilot design, channel modeling Oh common channel estimation method, useful for beginners
Platform: | Size: 802816 | Author: 陈昌海 | Hits:


Description: IT家园论坛通信仿真精华资料汇总,提供如MIMO信道的建模,误码率比较等的实际访深例子。-IT Forum home the essence of communication simulation data aggregation to provide, such as MIMO channel modeling, error rate comparison of the actual visit to the deep examples.
Platform: | Size: 6144 | Author: 王玉兰 | Hits:


Description: The target of the assignment is to familiarize the student with MIMO channel modeling. The work is based on L. Schumacher’s MIMO channel model implementation, with added capacity analysis. First the channel model implementation is introduced, and thereafter analysis on MIMO channel with different parameters is done. Finally a short report on the results is written.
Platform: | Size: 553984 | Author: zxc | Hits:


Description: 3GPP标准中用于MIMO信道建模的SCM信道模型,matlab版本-3GPP standard for MIMO channel modeling SCM channel model, matlab version
Platform: | Size: 251904 | Author: dingding | Hits:


Description: 关于MIMO信道建模的经典文章,详细讨论了信道建模的若干问题-MIMO channel modeling on the classic article, a detailed discussion of channel modeling a number of issues
Platform: | Size: 207872 | Author: hawking139 | Hits:


Description: 本书不仅回顾了通信信号处理的经典研究领域,如自适应均衡、信道建模和识别、多用户检测和阵列处理,而且分析研究了一些新领域,如自适应编码调制、多输入多输出(MIMO)系统、分集合并和时频分析。此外,本书还探讨了神经网络、蒙特卡洛马尔可夫链和混沌等新兴技术,并对未来移动通信具有发展前途的方法进行了很好的概括性阐述。-The book investigates classical SP areas such as adaptive equalization, channel modeling and identification, multi-user detection, and array processing. It also investigates newer areas such as adaptive coded modulation, multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) systems, diversity combining, and time-frequency analysis. It explores emerging techniques such as neural networks, Monte Carlo Markov Chain (MCMC) methods, and Chaos. It offers an excellent tutorial survey of promising approaches for future mobile communications such as cross-layer design in multi-access networks and adaptive wireless networks.
Platform: | Size: 7909376 | Author: YuJD | Hits:


Description: 一种经典MIMO信道模 仿真程序,对于学习空时 建模很有用 -A classical imitation of true MIMO channel program for the study of space-time modeling is useful
Platform: | Size: 59392 | Author: 李星辰 | Hits:


Description: 本程序是MIMO-OFDM系统的信道估计程序,包括导频设计,信道建模呵常见的信道估计方法,对初学者有用-This program is the system MIMO-OFDM channel estimation process, including the pilot design and channel modeling Oh common channel estimation method, useful for beginners
Platform: | Size: 802816 | Author: song | Hits:

[3G developmimo

Description: mimo信道建模,仿真结果,信道建模介绍详细说明-mimo channel modeling, simulation results, detailed description of the channel model introduced
Platform: | Size: 24576 | Author: 韩静 | Hits:


Description: 802.16 MIMO Channel Modeling and Emulation Test Challenges
Platform: | Size: 2535424 | Author: Denis | Hits:

[Program docMIMO-channel-and-simulation-testing

Description: 对于MIMO无线信道建模和仿真测试中遇到的一些常见问题予以了详细解答,其中详细介绍了空间相关性的那部分。-MIMO wireless channel modeling and simulation for the test to be some common problems encountered in the detailed answers, which details the spatial correlation part.
Platform: | Size: 1699840 | Author: 吴晓蔓 | Hits:

[Industry researchMassive-MIMO-channel-model

Description: 最新大规模天线阵列信道建模论文集,对研究大规模天线信道容量颇有帮助.-The latest paper set of Massive MIMO channel modeling. It is very useful for those who are interesting in Massive MIMO channel capacity.
Platform: | Size: 4680704 | Author: biyuming | Hits:

[Special Effectsxtkeyingmimo

Description: 这是一个mimo信道建模的程序平台,对于研究信道建模有帮助(This is a mimo channel modeling application platform, helpful for studying channel modeling)
Platform: | Size: 7168 | Author: Joannx | Hits:


Description: 基于大规模MIMO 基本架构,探讨了信道建模和系统性能分析、信道状态信 息获取技术、多用户上下行无线传输技术等大规模MIMO 传输关键技术;认为利用 大规模阵列天线的多用户多输入多输出(MIMO)传输,将显著提升无线通信系统的 频谱效率及功率效率。(Based on the basic architecture of large-scale MIMO, channel modeling, system performance analysis and channel state information are discussed Information acquisition technology, multi-user upstream and downstream wireless transmission technology and other key technologies of large-scale MIMO transmission;Think that using Multi-user multi-input multi-output (MIMO) transmission of large-scale antenna arrays will significantly improve the performance of wireless communication systems Spectral efficiency and power efficiency.)
Platform: | Size: 199680 | Author: legend27 | Hits:
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